Questions for John

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John 1:1-18

  • How is Jesus described?
  • Why do you think John begins his gospel with this description of Jesus?
  • Where does this description of Jesus evoke in you wonder, worship, thanksgiving, or curiosity? Ask God to show you himself more clearly through this study of John.

John 1:19-34

  • How does John the Baptist describe himself and how does he describe Jesus?
  • What do you learn from John the Baptist about speaking of Jesus with humility and boldness?
  • Think of someone you will likely interact with today. How can you point them toward Jesus?   

John 1:35-51

  • Where do you see seeking and finding in these encounters?
  • Why do you think these men follow Jesus despite knowing so little about him?
  • What is your response when Jesus says to you, "come and see"?  What is one way you can say yes to following him today?  

John 2

  • For each story, what would have happened if Jesus hadn't intervened?
  • How is the glory of Jesus revealed here and how is it concealed?
  • How has Jesus been revealing his glory to you lately? Ask God for a believing and receptive heart.

John 3:1-3:21

  • Where do you see contrast (e.g. flesh/Spirit, light/darkness)?
  • How does the surrounding context deepen your understanding of v. 16?
  • What has Jesus been making clear to you today as you have studied his words? How should you respond?

John 3:22-36

  • How does John describe his role in the ministry of Jesus?
  • How does John’s perspective protect him from jealousy and self-pity?
  • How does Jesus want to become greater in and through your life? Ask him for John’s humility and joy as you become less and he becomes more.

John 4:1-42

  • At each stage of this exchange, what do you think keeps the woman in the conversation?
  • What do we learn about Jesus' character and priorities through these expectation-defying interactions?
  • Reflect on what you have personally experienced with Jesus. Who might need to hear your story? How might you share it with them?

John 4:43-54

  • What steps can you distinguish in this royal official's journey to belief?
  • What does this second sign reveal about Jesus?
  • Are there ways you can see Jesus performing signs in your friends' lives?  Ask God for opportunities to walk with your friends toward interpreting those signs.

John 5:1-30

  • What do we learn about the relationship between Jesus and the Father?
  • What does the invalid receive and what does he miss out on?
  • Pay attention to how Jesus is meeting your needs today. What does his care for you reveal about the Father?

John 5:31-47

  • What are the sources of testimony regarding Jesus and what do they say about him?
  • How could these men, who studied the Scriptures so diligently, have refused to come to Jesus for life?
  • What testimonies about Jesus do you pay attention to and how do you act on them? Ask God to make your heart responsive to truth.

John 6:1-21

  • What reactions do you see to Jesus and his miracles?
  • What does Jesus reveal about himself through these miracles?
  • Share with someone today how Jesus has nourished and provided for you.

John 6:22-40

  • What does the crowd want from Jesus?
  • What does Jesus want the crowd to understand about the bread God provides?
  • With what "bread" or activities or lifestyle have you been feeding yourself?  Ask God to reveal the places where what you really need is living bread.

John 6:41-71

  • How do the Jews, Jesus’ disciples, and Simon Peter respond to this hard teaching?
  • Why is Jesus willing to talk about himself in such a controversial and divisive way?
  • Have you heard any hard teaching from Jesus recently?  What encouragement do you find in Simon Peter’s response?

John 7:1-24

  • What judgements regarding Jesus do you see here and what is their basis?
  • How is Jesus trying to help others judge him and his actions correctly?
  • How can you guard against seeking personal glory when you’re talking with others about the things of God? 

John 7:25-52

  • What reasons are given to believe Jesus and what reasons are given to disqualify Jesus?
  • Why do Jesus and his critics have such different approaches to the question of where he’s from?
  • Are you ever so reliant on what you “know” about God that you disqualify others without even truly hearing them? Ask God to make your heart open.

John 8:12-8:30

  • What is said here about testimony and judgement?
  • How does the lifting up of the Son of Man (v. 28) relate to testimony and judgment?
  • How has Jesus brought light into your world recently and what has that light revealed?

John 8:31-59

  • What are the differences between Jesus' paternal claims and the crowd's paternal claims?
  • How is the Jews' own self-identity hampering their capacity to see Jesus more clearly?
  • When God shows the truth about your own brokenness, do you respond with humility or with defensiveness? How can you choose humility?

John 9

  • How do the people involved in this story react to the blind man and his healing?
  • What steps were involved in this man moving from blindness to worship? 
  • Like this man, you don’t know everything about Jesus, but what is one thing you do know? How can you share that with others?

John 10:1-21

  • How is Jesus like a gate and a good shepherd?  
  • What is Jesus trying to get across to the Pharisees through this imagery?
  • Among all the voices in your life, how do you tune in to the voice of Jesus?  Ask him to speak to you again today and give you confidence in his voice.  

John 10:22-42

  • What are the Jews willing and unwilling to believe about Jesus?
  • What does Jesus most want them to know about himself? Why?
  • Reflect on what it means for you to be one of Jesus' sheep. How might you listen, follow, and find security in that reality?

John 11:1-27

  • What do the different people we see here expect of Jesus?
  • Why does Jesus seem to let the situation get worse before he acts?
  • Where might your expectations of what Jesus "should be doing" be hindering you from receiving what he is doing? Ask him for an open mind and heart so you can follow where he leads.

John 11:28-44

  • What would you see, hear, smell, and feel if you were present at this scene?
  • Where do you see faith, hope, and love exhibited here in the midst of sorrow?
  • How might Jesus want to show you his glory and call you to greater trust in the midst of a current pain in your life? 

John 11:45-12:19

  • What actions do you see here and what does John tell us about what motivates them?
  • What do people’s responses to Jesus reveal about what they believe about him? 
  • How have you seen different people in your life respond to Jesus?  Thank God for those who have received him with reverence and pray for any who seem to feel threatened by him.  

John 12:20-36

  • How does Jesus describe what will happen to him and how it affects those listening?
  • How will the death of Jesus glorify the Father?
  • As you reflect on how Jesus approached his own death, how does that challenge or encourage you? Ask God for light so you can walk by it today.

John 12:37-50

  • Who speaks and why? Who is silent and why?
  • When we will not believe, or will not act on what we believe, what happens to our spiritual senses and why? 
  • Ask God to examine your own heart:  where do you love the glory that comes from people more than the glory that comes from God?

John 13:1-20

  • What does Jesus do that sets an example for his disciples to imitate?
  • What enables Jesus to serve with such humility?
  • Who is someone you can serve this week? Pray for that person and think of one practical way you can serve them.

John 13:21-32

  • What is troubling Jesus?
  • How might Jesus be feeling knowing that one of his disciples intends to betray him?
  • Have you experienced a friend's betrayal? Ask Jesus for a word of hope and comfort in response to it.

John 13:33-14:14

  • What promises and instructions does Jesus give here?
  • Where do you see evidence of Jesus’ affection for his disciples?
  • As you gain confidence in the affection of Jesus and his promises for you, how will that mark your day?

John 14:15-31

  • How does Jesus describe the role of the Holy Spirit?
  • How does the Holy Spirit's role relate to love and obedience?
  • Pray about an area of obedience in your life which requires the Holy Spirit to remind you of the love and presence of Jesus.

John 15:1-17

  • What words or phrases are repeated in this teaching?
  • What is the significance of remaining in Jesus?
  • How is Jesus currently inviting you to remain in Him? How open or resistant are you to his invitation?

John 15:18-25

  • According to Jesus, why does “the world” hate him and his disciples?
  • As the disciples reflected on these words later, how might they have found comfort in them?
  • If you were not experiencing any friction with “the world”, what would that say about your discipleship? Draw near to Jesus in your shared experience.

John 15:26-16:15

  • What are the names and actions of the Holy Spirit as described here?
  • Why is it so important to Jesus that his disciples know about the Holy Spirit?
  • What do we gain by having the Advocate? Walk through today with an awareness of God's Advocate being with you.

John 16:16-33

  • What is Jesus telling them will happen?
  • How will the words Jesus shares here result in his disciples’ peace (v. 33)?
  • How might these words help you to find peace in Jesus? Is there something you need to ask him for? 

John 17

  • What does Jesus want his followers to have in common with him?
  • Why has Jesus sent his disciples into the world (v. 18)?
  • How does it affect you to know that Jesus did and is praying these things for you? Join him in asking the Father for some of these things.

John 18:1-27

  • What do you notice as you compare how Jesus and Peter responded to these threats? 
  • “Drinking the cup” in v. 11 means to actively accept what the Father has intended. How does Jesus show his willingness to drink the cup? 
  • How do you respond to threatening situations where identifying with Jesus may cost you? Ask Jesus to share with you his courage.

John 18:28-19:16

  • What do you notice as you compare the Jewish leaders’ and Pilate’s aims in crucifying Jesus?
  • Why did Pilate hesitate, but ultimately give in?
  • This passage demonstrates human violence, deception, manipulation, and crowd-pleasing.  Where do you see these offenses in your own life and community?  How are you responding?  

John 19:16-37

  • What Scriptures does John note are fulfilled here?
  • What is the significance of the testimony of the blood and water coming out of Jesus’ side in vv. 34-35?  
  • How does Jesus’ intentional self-sacrifice speak to you today?  

John 19:38-20:10

  • What do you observe about how Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus care for the body of Jesus?
  • What do you think Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, and the other disciple were thinking and feeling?
  • Are you, or someone you know, in a dark or confusing time?  Offer that up to Jesus in prayer.

John 20:11-31

  • What clues does John give us about how Mary, the disciples, and Thomas are feeling?
  • What do these diverse emotions and responses reveal about who Jesus can make himself known to?    
  • How have you been encouraged to believe Jesus more fully today and throughout John’s book? Thank God for the life you have found in his name!

John 21:1-14

  • What details does John give us about Jesus’ loving preparation and provision for his friends?
  • How does this third appearance enlarge and enrich his disciples’ understanding of the resurrected Jesus?
  • How do you think it felt to be served breakfast by Jesus? Ask the Spirit to enable you to recognize the presence of the resurrected Jesus and respond with faith-filled-action. 

John 21:15-25

  • How would you describe this conversation between Peter and Jesus?
  • What is the connection between Peter’s love for Jesus and what Jesus is asking of him?
  • How is God calling you to embody and enact your love for Jesus?