"Let us not neglect meeting together..."
It's important to keep meeting, but we want to do it as safely as possible. Here are your resources for leading an online InterVarsity-style Bible study.
Who Should I Invite?
Being online opens accessibility. When you think about your study, anyone can be there!
Brainstorm who your connections are with a network map:
- Friends
- Friends of friends
- Classmates
- Instagram followers

Getting Started
Learn how to facilitate an online meeting - it's not quite like an in-person one!
Learn how to use Zoom Annotate to mark up your Scripture together!
Helpful tips for maximizing your group's experience on Zoom!
Tips and Tricks
- Take some time to learn advanced Zoom tricks to maximize your group's experience
- If your group is larger than 8-10, consider using breakout rooms to keep the energy up and create space for everyone to share
- Feeling stuck? Contact us using the form below for input on the best tool or strategy for your situation
- Have space for grace! Leading a small group Bible study well is challenging enough, much less learning to do it virtually. Be patient with yourself, and with your group members. Remember that God is with you as you take risks!